Yritin joskus tehdä parantavaa kuvaa, mutta siitä tuli enemmänkin pondeeraamisen ohje, maailman ongelmien ratkomisen lähestymistavan ohje: rakentaa onnistumisten ja lupaavien vaikutelmien varaan. http://parantamisesta.blogspot.fi/2015/11/yritelma-parantavasta-kuvasta.html
http://finnishskills.blogspot. com/2015/02/visiting-finnish- nature.html " Visiting the Finnish nature The Finnish nature is famous for it's unique fragile beauty. Also Finland as a nation without much written history has it's roots in the old forest dwellers who were mainly farmers and at earlier times hunters. Most modern Finns spend a week or so of their summer holiday on a summer cottage by a lake shore. Finns have a different attitude toward nature than most foreigners, because the nature here is very different from the nature say in Central Europe, where the nature is mostly farms and gardens and parks too. The Finnish nature is wild, not gardened, and it is praised for it's beauty and peace, and it is scarce: there are not somany trees and not so many dangerous animals. The maybe best way to learn to walk in the forest is to visit a small forest patch in town or some well kept recreation area, and pick some ordinary not-at-all-rare stone, flowers
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