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My method of solving large scale problems

I have been interested in solving large scale problems of the world for years and also learned some method that often works well. I have lots of experience and skills in objectuve thinking.
One should see what are the parts of the situation, it's main elements. And then observe each of them in their natural place in the world, undisturbed from their ordinary context and their ordinary life, ways of thinking etc. That is a way to understand them. Then one should place them each to their right place in a well working healthily build society, it's daily life. And that often works out as a solution: well working society, ordinary daily life and the elements as parts of it. But it demands a good view of what a well working society is like. Often one can find the correct place of an element by thinking via the ages old healthy natural ways of living and being a part of a society and of the wide world, and placing the element seen in the light of these values to it's right civiliced place in the society and the world.


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Nature protection abroad: build a better contact with the nature

http://finnishskills.blogspot. com/2015/02/visiting-finnish- nature.html " Visiting the Finnish nature The Finnish nature is famous for it's unique fragile beauty. Also Finland as a nation without much written history has it's roots in the old forest dwellers who were mainly farmers and at earlier times hunters. Most modern Finns spend a week or so of their summer holiday on a summer cottage by a lake shore. Finns have a different attitude toward nature than most foreigners, because the nature here is very different from the nature say in Central Europe, where the nature is mostly farms and gardens and parks too. The Finnish nature is wild, not gardened, and it is praised for it's beauty and peace, and it is scarce: there are not somany trees and not so many dangerous animals. The maybe best way to learn to walk in the forest is to visit a small forest patch in town or some well kept recreation area, and pick some ordinary not-at-all-rare stone, flowers

Liikuntaa vihreille

Liikunta parantaa mielialaa ja tekee terveet elämäntavat helpommiksi, tuojaksaaisuutta ja elämäniisautta sekä saa elämänmuutokset sujumaan. Vihreäöt usein pitävät hyötyliikunnasta kuten kävely ja pyöräily, joten olisikohan tästä hiihtoretkiohjeestani linkkeineen (Katso linkit!) iloa myös vihreille? Lainaus sivultani " "Hiihtämässä Olin tänään pitkästä aikaa hiihtämässä, ihan vähän vain ja kehoani kuunnellen. Jälkikäteen lämpimässä villaviltin alla tuli kamalan hyvä olo ja mietin, että tätäkö savonlinnalaisuus juuri kaipaa: mökkeilyn tapaista liikuntaa? Mutta itse asustelen kaupungissa."  Tässä tuon linkin teksti: " Hiihtämässä pitkästä aikaa Kävin tänään hiihtämässä pitkästä aikaa. En ollut saanut aikaiseksi ja niin ajattelin, että parempi vähän kuin ei ollenkaan. Ja niin hyävnä hetkenä lastasin sukse