perjantai 30. elokuuta 2019

Better quality for swimming water in Asia

"Health and fracturelessness"

"I came to think of the swimming water in the sea when our family
visited Thailand when I was 12 years old, but that is over 30 years
ago. The swimming water was poor, one ought not have swimmed at it at
all, but instead used rain water in a swimming pool, preferable with
some trees near by. But come to think of it, I am not sure if the
country was Thailand or did my parents lie and visited Vietnam,
Philippines or Shanghai instead. Now later I came to think if there
was urine of humans or the like in the water from many people. But
maybe it is not so. Maybe since it was a hut at the seaside, there
came people from town for a 5 min or 15 min visit, just swam
immediately after coming from all-build enviroenment like indoors or
city. Instead one ought to first sppend some time, I do not know how
long, but maybe from 5 min to half an hour at least, outdoors where
there is the weather on one'sd skin and trees & other vegetation and
kind of natural environment & natural life for the senses and for the
body, and so, like after a summer holiday, go swimming only after
that, so that the bacteria etc on one's skin are kind of serene,
nature like, holiday like, undisturbed in natural life that corrects
faults of too much city like life, and so in such fracturelessness
could the small animals or bacteria in teh sea be likewise holiday
like and wise, full of positive life like personal doing practical
chores outdoors where there is nature that one longs for, one likes,
so it is kind of refreshing and a piece of nature's woisdom.
It may also be that Finns are much more healthy than people in the
tropics, which is why I sent the links, since it is just a question
ofskills and civlized motivation, to a large extebnd I mean, even
though our northern climate makes it easier, since the climate's
challenges give rise to skills that keep one healthy."

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